Welcome Back!

I haven’t blogged since June of 2014… Yikes!  To be honest, I got lazy.  Then I got a job the next month.  Then on my birthday (9/2), my husband returned home from Afghanistan.  I know, best present ever.  Then life just happened, ya know?

Fast forward to April 5, 2016- Husband has been stateside since, I quit my job, sold our home (closed on Jan 29th) and moved down south much much closer to post.  Still in Washington though.

New year, new home, new beginnings… Even though it’s now April, I figure I might give this blogging thing a go again.  Since I’m no longer living in the “green house on top of the hill”, all my old recipes will stay on GHOTH and I will be starting new here.

Let’s see where this adventure will take us!